Strategies for efficient and reliable wire EDM
➤ Supervised and unsupervised day and night operation
➤ Punch strategies
➤ Reverse cutting
➤ Automatic cutting off of slugs
➤ User-defined strategies can be saved as templates
OPTICAM Benefits
➤ Simple and fast programming of wire electrical discharge machines
➤ Integrated in a powerful CAD system that allows 3D data to be easily prepared
➤ Extensive strategies for wire electrical discharge machines with two to four axes
➤ User-defined strategies can be saved as templates
Automatic feature generation
➤ Use of feature information
Features of wire EDM
Feature recognition
Features are automatically linked to the NC program: During component analysis, wire geometries are reliably recognized as features. Faces or edges can also be chosen manually for the wire EDM. Specific areas can be chosen for the creation of user-defined features. The optimal machining strategy is identified for each feature and immediately defined using extensive technology databases.
Automatic feature generation
Use of feature information
Undercut control
Maximum conicity control

The toolpaths can be reliably checked in a 3D simulation. Collision-checked machine and removal simulation makes it possible to closely monitor the workspace and provides a high degree of safety. The path off-setting, clamps and machine heads are all displayed. The cutting time can be quickly and easily calculated for each wire EDM operation. This ensures that machining times can be planned perfectly.
Technology databases
The OPTICAM module is continuously adapted to work in synergy with the latest functions of wire electrical discharge machines. Thanks to its extensive range of functions, the module is the market leader in the field of wire cutting and is recommended by many renowned machine manufacturers. The technology databases are always up to date as they come directly from the machine tool manufacturer.
The postprocessors are constantly being upgraded by the OPTICAM manufacturer, Camtek. Camtek is always in close cooperation with the machine manufacturers and this ensures that the postprocessors are always up-to-date and reliable.
Optimal strategies
The right strategies for every feature: The optimal machining strategies are identified and immediately defined using extensive technology databases based on their suitability for the machining job. Faces or edges can also be chosen manually for the wire EDM of only specific areas or for the creation of user-defined features. All cuts are shown in the cuts dialog. Toolpaths can be changed afterwards.
Wire EDM strategies:
Cylindrical machining
Constant and variable taper – also on cylindrical components
Ruled face machining with automatic synchronization
Inclined machining
Automatic threading and cutting of wires
Diagonal threading
Automatic positioning
Automatic clustering of identical geometries
Multi-part programming
Variable reference plane height